Corns and warts are two common foot conditions. The difference between these two conditions is that corns are concentrated only on the feet while warts can appear all over the body. Corns occur when there is localized high friction pressure on the bony prominences of the foot.
What’s the difference between a corn and a wart???
Well, they are similar and also very different! The similarities is that they all generally involve hyperkeratosis of some kind which is basically hard toughened skin. But the causes behind them are different
A wart is a virus. It is actually the human papilloma virus that gets in between the layer of skin that has died (the outerlayer) and the inner layer of skin. It virus successfully invades the skin cell before it dies changing the makeup of the cell and so forming a wart. Warts on most parts of the body sit above the skin level however on the bottom or plantar surface of the foot they are pushed inwards under pressure and are known as plantar warts. There is a round patch in the centre often with a blood supply and hard skin in callus forms around or on top of it. A wart can appear on its own or in a pattern known as a mosaic wart. The virus survives on the bottom of the foot and the only way to get rid of them is to stimulate the patient’s immune system to expel the virus.
Callus and corn are actually related in that all corns start life as a callus. A Callus is an immune system response to pressure. This pressure can be from shoes, the ground, fat pad erosion and many other factors. The bodies response to this pressure is to try to protect the area. It generally will lay down more skin in the affected area to try to cushion the structures involved. However, skin has poor cushioning properties and as pressure builds more and more skin is laid down. Skin is made of a substance known as keratin. It is the same material that hair and nails are made from. Too much skin is known a hyperkeratosis.This hyperkeratosis dries and thickens over time until you generally end up with what we would call a callus.
If this callus is not reduced, generally its hardness means that pressure will continue to build in the area. At certain points in the callus small points of pressure will compress and further harden the callus until a corn forms. Corns can be soft corn which occur between the toes, hard corns on the plantar surface and sometimes subungal corns can occur under the nail. The corn has a central core or keratin which some people refer to as a ‘plug’. This is often pushed by the continuing pressure onto internal structures of the foot causing extreme pain, especially when pressuring a nerve.
There are hundreds of remedies in homeopathy that helps in curing warts and corns . Homeopathic remedies not only remove the warts and corns but also it removes the cause of these outgrowths . It heals within the body and removes the scars also that are caused by warts and corns.